YDad in the media.
April 7, 2013
Dads on the line – SMH.com.au
An über cool Gen Y dad who goes by his nickname CBay, Mike Catabay is a DJ and photographer in his spare time. This blog is practical – the guidebook he wished he’d had when expecting his first baby. Many of his readers aren’t even parents yet. “I get a lot of feedback from young men and women who are in long-term relationships, settling down, becoming an adult, and who want a heads-up,” Catabay says.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/dads-on-the-line-20130402-2h4qz.html
April 10, 2013
The rise of the daddy blogger – ABC Queensland Radio
It’s pretty common nowadays, that if you’re confronted with an issue, be it mathematical, language, history, even medical – you turn to the internet for answers.
Parenting too falls in to this category – there’s countless ‘Mummy bloggers’ across Australia tackle the topic of raising a child by posting their feelings, frustrations and advice, to anyone who’ll listen online.
Well now its dad’s turn!
Listen: http://blogs.abc.net.au/queensland/2013/04/the-rise-of-the-daddy-blogger.html